Monday, July 16, 2007
Lost Dog
We all have certain responsibilities that we cannot deny in our everyday lives. One of my responsibilities is to help animals and people in need, today it was a black and white pit bull. He followed me from Cesar Chavez and Soto, if you're geographically inclined, to 1st and Chicago at the Ben Franklin Library. There he ran around with the sprinklers cooling off and drinking water. I noticed he was nuetered so I check if he had any tags and he did. No name or anything but a city dog lincence that would identify him. I get my phone and for 15 minutes I'm on hold trying to talk to an oporator. I hung up and called again so I can be transfered to the North Central animal shelter. I told them I found the dog and looked him up so he won't leave. She tells me they'll come in an hour so I wait. After the hour I let him go even though I knew it wasn't the right thing to do. I called and tried to help him because the owners are resposible enough to nueter him and get him a licence and if I lost my dog I would want someone to report her so she can be returened to me. The thing that pissed me of is that I was on hold for so long and that animal control never came. Either way I did what I could.