Err, maybe I should have blogged about this when I first got word of it, but I tend to make a note of it so I can remember later, which I don't and do something about it later on. So I'll be headed to UCLA this Friday for this forum. I already called off from work and I'm going to spend the entire day there talking to others about the cause, the future and everything else in between. You have to pre-register though. I got a turkey sandwich :-D Also there's going to be another event, more student focused at the end of the month and again, pre-registration is needed so sign up foo and I'll see you there. That is in the sense that we'll both be at the same even, but chances are you won't know who I am because you don't know what I look like. I'm sneaky like that.
2nd Annual Education Summit Critical Issues for Immigrant and Undocumented Students in the Latina@ Education Pipeline
Friday, May 15, 2009 @ UCLA Followed by a Reception
Pre-Summit Registration Is Required to Reserve a Seat —
Go to for more information and to register
The UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center (CSRC) and UC/ACCORD (UC All Campus Consortium on Research for Diversity) are pleased to announce the Fourth Annual UCLA Latina/o Education Summit. Each year this conference brings together scholars, educators, community representatives, policy makers, and students to discuss the critical issues facing Latina/o students at each segment of the education pipeline. Participants explore viable policy recommendations and initiatives that can improve educational opportunity and increase the number of Latina/o students who earn undergraduate and graduate degrees. This year the conference will focus on documented and undocumented immigrant Latina/o students.
Tentative Schedule
Critical Issues in K-12 Schools, Part I: Creating Opportunities for Quality Bilingual Education in California
Ms. Marta Hernandez
Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Continuous Improvement
Ventura County Office of Education
Mr. Raul Alarcon
Lead Teacher, Learning in Two Languages Program
Corinne A. Seeds University Elementary School
Critical Issues in K-12 Schools, Part II: Increasing College Awareness for High School Students
Dr. Kris Gutiérrez
Professor, Social Research Methodology
UCLA Graduate School of Education & Information Studies
Ms. Mayra Soriano
Bravo Medical Magnet School and Co-author of AB 540 Student Guide
Former UCLA Migrant Program Student Participants
Critical Issues in Postsecondary Education, Part I: California Assembly Bill 540
(AB 540) and the Community College as a Pathway to the University
Mr. Alfred Herrera, MPA
Director, Center for Community College Partnerships
Assistant Vice Provost for Academic Partnerships
Dr. Armida Ornelas
Professor, Political Science
East Los Angeles College
East Los Angeles College Students
Participants in the Adelante Freshman Transfer Program
Critical Issues in Postsecondary Education, Part II: AB 540 Students and California Four-year Universities
Dr. William Perez
Assistant Professor, Education
Claremont Graduate University
Dr. Patricia Perez
Assistant Professor, Chicana/o Studies
California State University, Fullerton
UCLA Students
Members of IDEAS (Improving Dreams, Equality, Access and Success)
Reception and Book Signings
Dr. Patricia Gándara, UCLA, and Dr. Frances Contreras, University of Washington
The Latino Education Crisis
UCLA Undergraduate Students
Underground Undergrads
Dr. Alejandra Rincon
Undocumented Immigrants and Higher Education: Si Se Puede!
To learn more about us, visit our website or email us. To subscribe to our newsletter, e-mail CSRC Newsletter and include in the body of your message the line (and nothing but the line) SUBSCRIBE CHICANO [first name, last name] (don't enter the brackets, just your name).

REGISTRATION EXTENDED TO MAY 15. IDEAS at UCLA, Improving Dreams, Equality, Access and Success, was created in the fall of 2003 to provide a support network for undocumented students at UCLA. IDEAS at UCLA has grown into a full-fledged organization that runs a community service project to increase awareness of the AB540 law, manages fundraisers, awards scholarships to AB540 students, collaborates with similar organizations across the state, and provides a socially-conscious environment for students to engage in open dialogue concerning immigrant issues.
In 2001, the passage of the Assembly Bill 540 into California state law made higher education more accessible to undocumented students by allowing them to pay in-state tuition at California public colleges. Each year 65,000 undocumented students graduate from high schools in the United States with more than 25,000 graduating from California. Unfortunately only five to ten percent of these students pursue higher education. Many undocumented students often fail to apply to college due to their uncertainty about their rights. They erroneously fear that applying to college can get them deported or into legal trouble. Misinformation has led them to believe that college admittance requires proof of legal residency and therefore discourages them from applying. In addition, undocumented students often fail to pursue a college education due to their inability to legally work after they graduate and believe that a college degree is worthless.
These notions are wrong because access to higher education is possible. The ability for the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (D.R.E.A.M.) Act to pass has high hopes with the new governmental change. The D.R.E.A.M. Act would allow undocumented students in the United States to obtain a path toward legalization, and hence practice their college degrees. Therefore, as students, you must be prepared by being educated individuals and not lose hope.
The purpose of this letter is to cordially invite you to attend our:
Second Annual
Immigrant Youth Empowerment Conference
“Reaching Our DREAMs through ACTion 2009”
Ackerman Grand Ballroom
308 Westwood Plaza
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Sunday, May 31, 2009
The conference is a whole day event which will consist of different workshops that will provide information to benefit you as a student. We will train you on methods of lobbying, activism, and organizing efforts in order to advocate for your educational rights.
By attending our conference you will:
-Gain information and get updated on the AB540 and DREAM Act issues
-Meet different AB540 student organizations
-Take part in the DREAM Act campaign
-Be eligible for the first ever IYEC Scholarship
Please RSVP by MAY 15, 2009 by filling out an application at If you have any questions please email us at We look forward to seeing you at our conference.
IDEAS at UCLA/ AB-540 Project Directors