Sunday, October 17, 2010

Dancing Days

There have been few times in my life in which the world and my problems didn't exist anymore. I don't think about not having a job, the struggles ahead of me etc. They all go away or more succinctly, they get danced away. I was never one for dancing because I was too self conscious and all that mumbo jumbo that comes with being a teenager/young adult. I can't remember the details of how I finally got over all that dumb stuff and let go. Dancing to rhythms because I have no clue on how to "properly" dance. And I ain't talking about club dancing, break dancing or anything like that, I'm talking about music from the heart. Cumbias, rancheras, corridos etc. This is the kind of music that flows through my essence. Whether I'm drinking or not, I dance my ass off till the cows come home.

These are moments of pure joy, that I have been lucky enough to share with others. Just the other day, I was in this zone of unconditional love, filled with pure, loving energy, celebrating someones life and what she means to us. We danced till it hurt and until I puked hahah But it was all worth it. I couldn't stop smiling with every song that came along. The energy flowing through me and commanding my body to groove to the rhythms of music that is as old as the birth of sound. Drums, bass, guitars and tambores lifting my spirits from the depths of the abyss. Everything was in zen. In balance. Course the next day things went back to normal, but it was ok.

Oddly enough, even when I'm having fun, my thinking is always stuck in words. How else would you explain that in the middle of dancing cumbias, surrounded by beautiful souls and spirits, feeling the rhythm of life flow through all of us in unison, would it occur to me to grab my phone and record the darkness and sounds of that moment just so I can write about it in this post. Not to mention I had several beers by that point lol I must be weird like that, but it's a good thing because I remember that night and everything that happened. It's nights like those that re-charge the spiritual batteries. That give me reason to stay here a little longer.