So, a while back I submitted pics to this "A Day in your life" photo contest the LA Music Center is hosting this weekend. I sumbmitted four pics from March 26 and my slide show is titled "a day in the life of an activist." The fours pics I sent are of me being at the Wisconsin protest that day, a ciclavia related bike ride, going to an art show and then going to a party/dinner for the dropped charges against everyone that did civil disobedience actions last year here in L.A. Here's a link to the page where you can see them and other pics as well. They're all in alphabetical order, so if you can find it under Huerta Erick.
The 6 people with the most votes will win $300 gift card from sammies camera, a camera bag and their pics published on the paper Brand X. So PLEASE HELP ME WIN !!!!!!!!
Vote for my for my pics texting 2410054 to 22333 You can do it 10 times.
You can also vote for them this weekend at these two events, Friday at "Dance Downtown" and Saturday at another music event with DJ Garth Trinidad. SO PLEASE VOTE FOR ME !!!!!! I PROMISE I'LL BE YOUR BEST FRIEND FOREVER !!!!!