Guess where I'm going !? Haha no I'm not getting shipped outta the country and I'm not running away or anything, lest you play into that last post I wrote about my most recent episode of "thinking out loud."
Thanks by the way to all you'se that wrote and sent out positive energy :-D No folks, after being away from my familia for more than a year, last time I saw them was around this time of the year, I'm
makin' my way back home !!!! Yeah !!! I know I'm excited to because I get to see my sisters and my ma' and pa'.
Yes, even though I don't have the best relationship with them or get along with them as much as I would like to and sometimes I may shake my fist in the air at them for past grievances but that's all in the
past now. I miss my familia staright out. Living at my friends house has its ups and down but like Dorothy says, there's no place like home. Yeah I tell ya, I miss their company and since I've been gone two years, it all seems like an eternety since I last laughed till I cried with them. Since we last talked over some of the greatest food in the world. Since we last talked about what exactly I have been up to @ school and if doing alright here in the city of Angeles. My home. It's weird because as the train rides along the L.A. River and I see all the great things that I love about my city, I realize thy I won't have any of that where im going.
No graffiti, no street vendors, no decent mexican or food for that matter. No variety, diversity and most
import of at all, no real art. I'm going to a place were using the term, white washed isn't an exaggeration.
So peep this foolios, I'll be blogging my way through the trip, when I'm there and on my way back. I have an entire day of travel ahead of me and it gives one the opportunity to reflect and think. Part of the reason I choose my designated route. We all meet interesting folks in our travels and this trip will be no exception. Already I've had someone be nice to me and direct me to transportation so I wouldn't
miss it. I also had a little snaffu with my tickets and had to for over my last $ 24 to get my tickets making me officially broke. Good thing I had a nice big torta before I left. No worries though. Everything will work out. See stayed tuned to picture blog post and random thoughts about what I may stumble on.
~ con safos ~
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